Friday, January 18, 2013

Creamy Celery without the cream

Israeli Babies Recipes
Special thanks to Jelena!

Jelena Shapir Herewith: this was altered but somewhat followed the Hungarian "zellerkrèm leves" recipes. (there are many version and this is mine.)

3-4 roots of celery 

2 midsize potatoes

2 L vegetable or meat broth

1 onion

2-3 cloves of garlic

Nutmeg, black pepper, salt to taste

Butter or oil

Chop/cut/dice ingredients. I used butter as I like the smell/taste that it gives to vegetables when frying. 

Fry first onion then add garlic when all these tender add roots of celery and potatoes. Fry a bit and then pour the broth. I used 2 liters but see how much you need. Use spices to your taste. Cook till tender and blend till smooth and looks creamy.

Add to it at serving either croutons or toasted almonds. Enjoy 

Frankly, any creamy soup that doesn't use any dairy is a plus in my books!
I omitted the nutmeg.

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