Saturday, September 22, 2018

Turkey pastrama (Home made)

Served with home made pickles - delicious!

 Steeped in the below over night

1 ltr of water
2 tbps salt
2 tbps sugar
2 bay leaves
2 tbps all spice
3 slices of garlic
2 tbps mustard
2 tbps ground coriander seeds
2 tbps cumin
Silan to smother
Source recipe

Spice rub

Black ground pepper
Smoked Parika
Garlic powder if have
Mustard seeds or mustard
Olive Oil

Not sure if better to removed the string holder and rub mix in or to just rub over the strings...?

Baked in marie bain for 1hour - till still juicy
Recipe states 1.5 hour at 150 °C
My oven clock stopped working so will try again with regular wall clock.

Kiddo sandwich with bacon, nothing to do with the the pastrama in the fridge and not used here.

Btw, the pastrama is best sliced thinly and this is easiest done when cold after refrigeration.

Friday, September 14, 2018


Best dates, Medjool (1 Kg)  just 30 nis a box

Taste of Summer!

Picked cucumbers

4 trays 20 nis (5 nis per box)

Super small and cute
End of the day Friday - shuk Ha carmel

salt dissolved in a cup of boiling water
When all dissolved, add cold water.
Wait to completely cool.
Pour in jars.

Optional:  add garlic, dill, chili, black's the limit :)

Ready in a few days.

I have long since stopped buying preserving jars, all these are jars whose contents were fully savoured, beautiful glass jars spared from the bin.  Re-cycled to a new and  useful life for family and friends to enjoy. :)

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