120 nis
18 boxes
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Monday, December 7, 2020
Market prices
This should have costed 160 nis plus 2kg of onions
Result of mis calculation and my inconfidence. Well you live and learn. 200 nis is still a good price for this lot
Friday, November 20, 2020
Cashew - soaked and blended
sugared water from the syrup
Top & Bottom
Knaffi hairs
White sugar
Rose water
Pistachio nuts for garnishing
Cook sugar and water till boiled. Boil for further 5 mins. Cool. Add rosewater
Break, loosen hairs.
Melt margarine and add. miss well. Make sure there are no clumps.
Melt a tablespoon of marg on small frying pan
Place some hair on pan, on low heat.
Cook on LOW heat till crispy brown, shaping the edges and pressing down the hairs
Add "cheese" in centre, leave a generous gap around the edges for the cheese to "bleed' spread around.
Top with rest of hairs.
Check the bottom is nice and brown.
Flip or
Slightly oil a plate =, place on top of frying pan and flip onto place.
Now slide knaffi of the plate back onto the pan and cook the other side till brown.
Once both sides are done. Slide on to place.
Spoon over sugared water and garnish with crush pistachio nuts
Market prices

Finally dawned on me, the shuk will never go back to the same. At least will take along time
People are afraid to go out, and if they do, are afraid to go to possibly crowded areas. The stands remain empty and closed. Not only peoples livelihoods are erased, also their meaning of existence. This was not just a job, it was a reason to breathe. Where will they go. What will they do? What chance has humanity if places that was the very cloth and thread that life weaved through simply withers away? It was the essence, the unbreakable force of Life energy, unstoppable and energising. To me it was therapy, it woke my spirits and ward me from sadness and depression.
Friday, October 30, 2020
Food prices Shuk Ha Carmel - lost wallet
235 nis groceries (fish 25 nis not in pic)
Lost my wallet (bought @35 nis)
+ 60 nis inside at the shuk -
Total cost 320 nis
Bought way too much today, 2 boxes of cukes, 2 x boxes courgettes, 3 x boxes of peppers!
Persimmons, Beets, Carrots, Pears, Kohlrabi, Baby Fennel
Different seller: 4 boxes of mushrooms =20 nis, broccoli 15 for 2
grapes 10 nis
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Aubergines - a.k.a. Eggplants
Dont forget to score the eggplant!
Sliced eggplant sprinkle of salt and oil. (No need to salt first to draw out liquids)
Grill in oven 200oC till brown. Flip brown on other side
Drizzle Balsamic GLAZE.
Sprinkle chopped fresh greens.
Friday, October 23, 2020
Food Prices - Levinsky Market
102 nis - First visit
Realized we needed more Salad ingredients and bummed I never bought 1+1 baby leaves.
The shop would closed in another 30 mins. Mmm. anyways veggie shops never closed on time. I grab my bag and decided to go back!!
Bought 4 bags of baby salad leaves, shitake mushrooms, straw mushrooms all 1+1 for good measure. A further 50 nis
Total 152 nis
Was recommended to try Levinsky market for end of week shopping.
Verdict bought more 'boutique' ingredients, baby leaves etc, Shitake; Straw; Oyster mushrooms as the only bargain prices (for me) were the refrigeration items at a reduced 1+1 prices
Other items such as aubergine, carrots were either at a lower quality or my usual place are better priced.
All in all, a good experience. It's always refreshing to try something different, and education to evaluate and compare, even if just to re-affirm what you knew all along. Now confirmed, confidence renewed, restored, and resurrected. Yeah worth it..
Later, went back for more
2nd visit 152 nis
All above were 1+1 packs
Bananas 6.90/kg Beets 3 nis/kg? Lemons 9 nis/kg
Friday, October 16, 2020
Food market prices
Arrived 16:00
Everything was already closed! Just a few usuals at the end.

3 boxes for 20
Tomatoes - 1 box= 7 nis
Cukes - 1 box= 7 nis
Grapes 1 box @ 7 nis
Small Grapes 1 box @ 10 nis
Greens 2 nis a bunch instead of 3
corn 3 for 20 nis
Potatoes 3 for 20 nis!
Lettuce 2 for 15
Total 200 nis

Friday, September 25, 2020
Food market prices
Its the last of the season, so figured it will be the last time to enjoy for a while.
Can never have too many lemons. Always good for lemon mint granita.
The new code.
The young are more anxious about job security, or more precise job insecurity. Only now, the cracks are beginning to show, at least in the centre of this once carefree city.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Green sauce for fish
Fish sauce
Olive oil
Chopped green onions
Mix all and let to rest.
Taste amazing on served just baked fresh mullet fish.