Saturday, February 27, 2021

Market prices

21 boxes = 20x7=140 nis
bag of oranges 3 for 20 nis
Bag of potatoes 20 nis (10 each)
3 x broccoli
2 x kiwi
Lemons..5nis? 3.90/kg
2 packs Passion fruit
2 cherrys yellow and red
1 regular tomatoes
Bell peppers mix colour
beets/turnip/kohlrabi mix
Straw mushrooms x2 + blueberries + big mushrooms (16 nis) = Total 50
mushrooms 2 boxes=10
TOTAL = 220 nis

Hotpot tonight YAY!

UPDATE: This hoard lasted two weeks with top up of carrots, onions, mushrooms (+33 nis)
So 253 nis - family 5 - two weeks!

The top ups were mainly because I had a Pickling workshop and used the carrots, kohlrabi here.

ALOT of the above went in the below
Fun, healthy and delicious

Saturday, February 20, 2021

After foraging and Shabbat playing in the kitchen

The beauty and abundance of Nature.  DELICIOUS. FRESH and FREE!

Not the artichokes
Bought it cheap at the end of the day. End of the week. Open food market


Foraging in the Harel woods


Foraging after 4 days of rain!


Market prices 19th February

Nonstop rain. A 2 hour break so went to see what would be at the shuk
Arrived late as went thru the beach. Arrived to the market around 16:30
A few people
9 boxes = 60 nis
Includes 2 x artichokes - was delicious
3 kg of bananas
2 x boxes of strawberries
1 x boxes of amazing red grapes
1 x boxes pomegranates - super red and sweet inside
2 boxes of blueberries and Loquats 40 nis 
Total + 130 nis


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