Sunday, February 26, 2017

Labane (Goat)

This all started  with our dearest friend Yifah,  whose visits are always "delicious" for the simple reason whenever she comes she ALWAYS must bring food gifts (the best kind ;)

Many years ago she bought over home-made labane, I was shocked to taste something that I had assumed was too tarty and sour for my taste.  
But hers!!! was smooth and creamy and not a bit sharp!
So Thank-you Yifah. 

 "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a dayteach a man to fish and you feed 

him for a lifetime"

You taught me to make labane, the most gracious gift of all :)

Goat yoghurt

Lemon zest
Basil to seve
Olive oil

Tasted Amazing!
Draining took only two days.

Saturday, February 25, 2017



Tomatoes canned
Carrots chopped
Onions chopped
Garlic chopped
Soy sauce
Courgettes (options)
Mushrooms (optional)
Broccoli (optional)
Peas (optional)
Lasagna sheets
Ground meat (optional)

I pack whatever veggies I ha oing on in the fridge.  Then PACK with flavour using soy for salt, pepper, Worcestershire, herbs ie Thyme, and basil or whatever you like.

Cook root  veggies ( ie carrots, broccoli stems)  in water (chopped ensures faster cooking time)
set aside the water, this can used to water down a too-thick-a-sauce.
Fry onions and garlic to brown.
Add all to tomato sauce.

* I don't bother soaking the pasta sheets, just make sure there's plenty of liquid for the sheets to soak up.*

When using meat, I like to brown my meat separately and then add to the rest of the sauce.

Here making two lasagnas, I made a huge pot of red veggie sauce, made the veggie lasagna first, then added the browned seasoned meat to the rest remaining half of the veggie sauce and made the secondary meat lasagna.  Perfect.

Both lasagna looked the same so basically tasted the same.  Meaning the meat was definitely not missing.  Will ask my boys and update that bold statement later.

Layer as usual, I don't bother with white sauce normally, it's supposed to be easy and convenient to make.  But feel free to take the time and make bechamel.

Mature cheese grated on top with some panko for crunch
Bake in oven for 50 mins 180oC or till crispy and light brown.

Wait to cool, preferably overnight to solidify more to slice and freeze.
Can microwave straight from frozen.  I have this in the works freezer as my emergency back-up.  Saved me on numerous occasions ;)

Monday, February 20, 2017

Gilboa's Place

Best Tabbouleh!  not too lemony, just enough tarty and tiny teeny  pieces.  Super sweet lady who kept skipping out to the next door mini super to buy what she didn't have, which was a few times...

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Momo: Strawberries and Sashimi

Blueberry trifle

Make shift Trifle with fresh fruit

Quick trifle

Blueberry sauce with sugar
Whipped cream with strawberries
Bananas (sliced) bottom

Sushi burrito

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