Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Pears in Berry Sauce : Pessach Dessert

Pears - peeled
Berries - can be frozen
Cloves whole
Sweetener ie sugar, honey

Place pears in water and spices, berries, etc
Bring to boil and then simmer till fruit absorbs uniform red colour BUT still firm.
Take out pears, set aside,  and continue simmering the syrup on stove.  Reduce the sauce to desired thickness.
Remember when the sauce is cold it will thicken further.

Serve chilled or room temperature.
Garnish with fresh mint and meringue.  Artfully paint drops around the plate.
Was a lovely light,  refreshing dessert for the sedder.
Half or quarter pear was enough per person after such a heavy meal.
Was a "hit".  Make plenty of the syrup they LOVED the syrup.

Idea: (Would go excellent drizzled on coconut parve ice-cream)



  1. I am always keen on introducing my family to desserts that include fruit, and pears make a very healthy choice! With vitamins B2, C and E and a good source of fibre, copper and potassium, plus the benefits of the strawberries and raspberries I used in this recipe, I made my family a tasty dessert packed with goodness.

    Faith Thomas @ The Berry Farm

  2. ooh Hi Faith,
    Just noticed your reply only too 2 years :)
    Yes, so healthy and tasty for everyone!


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