Saturday, December 5, 2015

Chocolate Birthday Cake for Nursery

1 cup 240 ml oil
1 cup sugar 200gr
4 eggs
1 cup chocolate, (not cocao)
1 tub sour cream (200ml)
1 cup SR flour 140 gr
½ cup sweet cream (120ml)
120gr chocolate (milk or bitter or mix your choice)
 180 oC for 30 mins
till skewer comes out NOT clean but bit wet with slight sponge sticking
  Original (
1 讻讜住  砖诪谉 (240 诪"诇)
1 讻讜住 住讜讻专 
(200 讙专诐)
4 讘讬爪讬诐
1 讻讜住 讗讘拽讛 诇讛讻谞转 砖讜拽讜 讞诐 (诇讗 拽拽讗讜)
1 诪讬讻诇 砖诪谞转 讞诪讜爪讛
 (200 诪"诇) 
1 讻讜住 拽诪讞 转讜驻讞 
(140 讙专诐) 
1/2 讻讜住 砖诪谞转 诪转讜拽讛 (120 诪"诇) 
120 讙专诐 砖讜拽讜诇讚 讞诇讘 (讗驻砖专 诇讛讞诇讬祝 讞爪讬 诪砖讜拽讜诇讚 讛讞诇讘 讘砖讜拽讜诇讚 诪专讬专, 诇讟注诐 讬讜转专 砖讜拽讜诇讚讬 讜驻讞讜转 诪转讜拽) 
讗讜驻谉 讛讛讻谞讛
讟讜专驻讬诐 讬讞讚 讗转 讻诇 讞讜诪专讬 讛注讜讙讛 诇驻讬 住讚专 讛讜驻注转诐 讘诪转讻讜谉.
讬讜爪拽讬诐 诇转讘谞讬转 讜讗讜驻讬诐 讘讞讜诐 砖诇 180 诪注诇讜转 讻-30 讚拽讜转, 注讚 砖讛注讜讙讛 讬爪讬讘讛 讜拽讬住诐 讬讜爪讗 讻诪注讟 讬讘砖 诇讙诪专讬 (注诐 驻讬专讜专讬诐 诇讞讬诐).
讘住讬专 注诇 讗砖 拽讟谞讛, 诪讞诪诪讬诐 砖诪谞转 诪转讜拽讛 诇住祝 专转讬讞讛. 讬讜爪拽讬诐 诇拽注专讛 注诐 讛砖讜拽讜诇讚 讜讟讜专驻讬诐 注讚 砖讛砖讜拽讜诇讚 谞诪住.
讬讜爪拽讬诐 注诇 讛注讜讙讛 诇讗讞专 砖讛讬讗 诪转拽专专转 诪注讟 讜诪谞讬讞讬诐 诇注讜讙讛 诇讛转拽专专 诇讙诪专讬 讜诇爪讬驻讜讬 诇讛转讬讬爪讘.

Orange Cake

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Winter Stew

Finally food to come home for

Monday, November 23, 2015

Bok Choy Noodle Lunch Soup

Saved myself 35 nis, if I had bought this at the sushi man restaurant opposite my office

Ginger (grated)
Red Peppers
Black sesame
Chili flakes
Goji berries
Bok Choy
Soy sauce
Green Onions

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

birthday chocolate gan cake

1 cup 240 ml oil
1 cup sugar 200gr
4 eggs
1 cup chocolate, (not cocao)
1 tub sour cream (200ml)
1 cup SR flour 140 gr
½ cup sweet cream (120ml)
120gr chocolate (milk or bitter or mix your choice)
 180 oC for 30 mins
till skewer comes out NOT clean but bit wet with slight sponge sticking
  Original (
1 讻讜住  砖诪谉 (240 诪"诇)
1 讻讜住 住讜讻专 
(200 讙专诐)
4 讘讬爪讬诐
1 讻讜住 讗讘拽讛 诇讛讻谞转 砖讜拽讜 讞诐 (诇讗 拽拽讗讜)
1 诪讬讻诇 砖诪谞转 讞诪讜爪讛
 (200 诪"诇) 
1 讻讜住 拽诪讞 转讜驻讞 
(140 讙专诐) 
1/2 讻讜住 砖诪谞转 诪转讜拽讛 (120 诪"诇) 
120 讙专诐 砖讜拽讜诇讚 讞诇讘 (讗驻砖专 诇讛讞诇讬祝 讞爪讬 诪砖讜拽讜诇讚 讛讞诇讘 讘砖讜拽讜诇讚 诪专讬专, 诇讟注诐 讬讜转专 砖讜拽讜诇讚讬 讜驻讞讜转 诪转讜拽) 
讗讜驻谉 讛讛讻谞讛
讟讜专驻讬诐 讬讞讚 讗转 讻诇 讞讜诪专讬 讛注讜讙讛 诇驻讬 住讚专 讛讜驻注转诐 讘诪转讻讜谉.
讬讜爪拽讬诐 诇转讘谞讬转 讜讗讜驻讬诐 讘讞讜诐 砖诇 180 诪注诇讜转 讻-30 讚拽讜转, 注讚 砖讛注讜讙讛 讬爪讬讘讛 讜拽讬住诐 讬讜爪讗 讻诪注讟 讬讘砖 诇讙诪专讬 (注诐 驻讬专讜专讬诐 诇讞讬诐).
讘住讬专 注诇 讗砖 拽讟谞讛, 诪讞诪诪讬诐 砖诪谞转 诪转讜拽讛 诇住祝 专转讬讞讛. 讬讜爪拽讬诐 诇拽注专讛 注诐 讛砖讜拽讜诇讚 讜讟讜专驻讬诐 注讚 砖讛砖讜拽讜诇讚 谞诪住.
讬讜爪拽讬诐 注诇 讛注讜讙讛 诇讗讞专 砖讛讬讗 诪转拽专专转 诪注讟 讜诪谞讬讞讬诐 诇注讜讙讛 诇讛转拽专专 诇讙诪专讬 讜诇爪讬驻讜讬 诇讛转讬讬爪讘.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Bok Choy - Noodle soup

Fresh Raw Bok Choy
Calarmari - cooked only in hot water
Ramen Noodles
Soy sauce
Chili Flakes
Ginger grated
Black sesame
Sesame oil
Green onions

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Juk - Chicken - Bok Choy and ginger

Deep fried ginger slivers for topping
Soy Sauce
Fresh bok choy

Brown to crispy crunchiness skin of chicken.
Add to rice and water and slow cook till Juk is ready.
Add fresh bok choy, cook till soft.

Sometimes only hot comfort food hits the spot.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Spinach and Potatoes, Dal

Spinach and Potatoes
Dal   Recipe for Dal (Click here)
Chili flakes

Potatoes, Mushrooms, Onions

Soften Onions.  Soften mushrooms
Toast  spices: Cardamon (grounded)
                        Tumeric/Curry/ paprika

Add frozen spinach
Heat and serve.


Monday, October 12, 2015

Mulberries and Pitangoes

Sorry, have never seen Then in Any Shuks.   

Mulberries (But only the deep dark black one) tastes of a long forgotten lost love 
And Pitangoes tastes of stolen kisses.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Chicken Broth (from frozen)

Yom Kippur 2015
Oh my goodness, Replenishment at last.

Proof food is healing
For Recipe - Click Here

Been listening to this lately a lot.  Soothing as hot broth.
Passenger "Let her go"

Passenger - Let Her Go

Monday, September 21, 2015

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Haifa, Green Shashuka

 Green Shashuka!

 Topped with Goat Cheese

 Mint "Tea" in background

Pumpkin and Blue Cheese

Roasted Aubergine with raw tehina
Couscous with:
Roasted pumpkin,
Spring Onions (chopped)
Calamari ( soak in hot water till done about 3 changes of hot water)
When done season with Lemon Juice, salt.
Mix in with couscous, garnish with blue cheese and chili flakes.

The sweetness of the pumpkin and the salty blue cheese is AMAZING!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Soup Udon


Udon noodles
Spring onions
Soy Sauce
Sesame Oil
Chili Flakes
Lemon Juice

Udon noodles soaked and microwaved .
Add miso paste
Make sure the liquid is piping hot, add salmon cubes (raw), the heat will cook the raw fish. Add Cucumber slices, spring onions, seasonings ie soy sauce, sesame oil, chili flakes and lemon juice for that kick..

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Kasha / Buckwheat

Atlast fluffy light Kasha! (buckwheat).
Now that it's finally what it should be, not soggy or claggy but full of air, each kasha bursting.  All puffed and popping out.
I finally understand what my partner loves about it and  I am completely addicted too.

This was the only thing in the house.
My partner usually makes this, his personal quest to remake his Polish grandmother's signature dish.
But he was going out, I  barely had time to ask  " So how do you make this?"
He was walking out the door as he shouted back "Just make it like rice!" 
So I did and the rest is history. His grandmother's long lost secret of making perfect kasha re-discovered!
Best of all,  as I write, toddler scrambled up for a spoon and is scooping himself glorious mouthfuls.


Kasha/Buckwheat 2 cups
Onions (optional)
Water (boiling) 3 cups
Ratio: 1 cup Kasha to 1.5 cups of boiling water

Heat 1 tablespoon of oil.  (Fry onions till soft if using.)
Add 2 cups of kasha and salt.
Stir and coat.
Heat for about a minute on high heat, continue to stir to avoid burning.
Add 3 cups of HOT water.
Cover with lid and reduce heat.
Cook till all the water is completely absorbed about 10-15 minutes.   Take off heat and leave to rest.  Do not take the lid off.   Wait 10 minutes, open and stir.   Should be light and fluffy.  Perfect Kasha!

Great mixed with salads as an all-in-one meal, or simply served at the table instead of rice or potatoes or couscous, a great refreshing change.  My Russian friends eat it sweet.  It's a great  'base' and open to all sorts of exciting variations.  Enjoy

Spices can be added to this, ie freshly grounded coriander seeds, cumin, etc.,
Added this when frying the onions.

Friday, July 24, 2015


So Pretty...
Chili flakes and flaky Maldon salt.
Two of my favourites.

Easy Peasy Lemon Chutney


Lemons Sliced
Lemon Juice (optional)
Black mustard seeds
Chili flakes
Oil for frying

Thinly slice Lemons, set aside.
Heat oil in frying pan and fry mustard seeds till they start to jump.
Add turmeric, and chili flakes (if using). 
Add lemon slices.

Add water to cover and cook till the lemon skins are soft (has if making jam)

This is the second time I added water as the skins were still too tough.

The sauce will reduce and thicken  (for the second time here.)
Do not add salt this could toughen the skin.

Once cooked down to the consistency you like.  Take off heat.
Add salt and if need sweetening add honey and /or lemon juice.  Adjust.  Great on Indian food,  adds a'kick to sandwiches and salads

Click here for Original Recipe

A sprinkle of red chili flakes on top is all this photo thinks....

Monday, July 20, 2015

Vegan, Kasha, Dal and Aubergines

Another variation
 Above with left over salmon

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Quiche: No plan Quiche

Eggs (4)
Feta cheese
Courgettes (zuchinni)
Cauliflower (pre boiled - post spiced)

Cook on stove, finish under high grill till lightly charred and crispy.
Serve with lots of tahini. Surprisingly Delish.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Zakaim Meetup

1.  Kolarabi & Watermelon with toasted cashunuts

2.  Kale and Watermelon in oil and vinegarette

3.  Tahini and condiments plus 1/4 onion

4.  Sorrel in reduced apple and vinegar dressing - delish

5.  Aubergine, Tahini and condiments, chopped bell pepper and tomato sauce

6.  Fresh assortment of tomatoes, sliced chilis and oil, salt dressing

7.  Creamy polenta with corn.  Very tasty with the corn flavour

8.  Mushrooms with full spring onions.  The onions were surprisingly tasty.

9.  Rice in cabbage leave cooked for 24 hours, was sweet, slightly burnt with tahini sauce.  Didn't     finish.

10.  Creamed spinach? OK

Plus Crispy fried potatoes (butter or better arabic potatoes)
baked then deep fried served with homemade ketchup

85 nis per head.  Nice talk with the chef

Gazooz of Vinegar,cucumber, sugar. soda - refreshing delicious.

Plus at the end of the talk, Lemon cake and dark chocolate rolade cookie was served

Take from website, as didn't have photos of:

 11.  Home made fries from Arabic potatoes, baked, TORN then deep fried

 Aubergine baked

12.  Lettace in Parmesan and toasted croutons

13. Home made challah

14.  Baby peanut squash baked

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