".. It started with a ..... visit to my FAVOURITE spice 'everything' shop in South TLV."
Love this place! Levinsky street - South TLV
Here starts the shopping
And.....Lemons at Shuk HaCarmel
Apple, Nectarine, Pear Conserve.
These popped so loud when they came out!
Far Left and right Apple Conserve, middle Granola
Can't believe I took this photo!
Bike break, quick ride along the sea shore

Back to the kitchen
The pale mixture in the making is, will be biscotti
Click here for Recipe
Toasted seeds for Sprinkling
Black and White Sesame seeds, Pumpkin and sunflowers seeds
Just love the kitchen table full of goodies
Feels like Christmas....
Lemon Curd stacked, and ready to go
Recipe for Lemon Curd - Click Here
Biscotti check
Biscotti Recipe Click Here
Wrapped in cellophane (aka 'cooky' chicken-an-oven-bag)
Hamper looking good...

As it's still Summer hot, so kept Fudge in the freezer till it's time.
Fudge Recipe - Click Here
Last minute brainstorm: Herbal Scented, Spicy Vinegar
Super easy, fast, and so darn pretty. Plus another item in the basket
Scented Salt: Herbal Thyme Salt
Another super fast, great to have on the table and adds an amazing aroma and taste to everything.
Just ground your favourite DRIED herb, ie Rosemary, Oregano, etc, add to your favourite salt and mix! Simple!
Now time for the packing....How are we going to do this?
Unrecognizable, very well protected but not from the blasted heat. Hope the fudge makes it.
Another little 'side' hamper wrapped in a pretty pink home-made bento bag
And inside....
Granola, Mixed Seeds Topping, Apple Conserve, Herbal Vinegar
All delivered!...And me?
Time to treat myself with a Pedicure and Manicure....What colour lacquer? Hot Choco
My toddler son kept touching my toe nails and tasting his fingers...
Yep, 'Hot Choco' Lacquer alright ....