Sunday, February 17, 2013

Snow Pea Soup

Made from todays fish stock, definitely makes a difference - full on flavour!

Vermicelli noodles (glass noodles)  used here. But whatever you happen to have is good.
Raw salmon underneath everything, 'cooked' in hot broth  to juicy perfection.
Squeeze one full lemon together with the fiery chilis just before serving.  Bliss.

Stock or Water
Fish Sauce
Soya Sauce
Chili (op)
Ginger fresh (op)
Squeeze of Lemon
Sesame oil
Snow peas
Spinach (op)
Spring onions
Rice noodles (op)

1. Add Noodles, veggies such as carrots, onions, fennel, cabbage, courgettes, spinach and any root vegetable is generally good.  Cook till noodles are done.
2. Add at the last half minute of cooking snow peas.
Snow peas should be still crunchy when served.
3. Pour hot broth on to raw salmon already in the soup bowl. The heat of the broth will "cook" the fresh fish just right,  juicy and tender.
4. Garnish with chopped green onions, coriander leaves,  black/white sesame seeds, sesame oil, soya.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Feta Bites

Puff Pastry
Dried herbs, ie Thyme

Salty white creamy cheese ie Feta or Bulgarit (get the creamy version and not the crumbly type)
Fresh Basil (or coriander or parsley can be used)

Whiz in blender all above, place in piping bag and chill in fridge.
Cut cherry tomatoes and prepare green garnish ie dill or coriander.
Sprinkle over nigella seeds or black sesame seeds for colour.

 Great appetizer,can be made in advance and kept in fridge in parts and made up atleast 2 hours before.

Source Link: Click here for original recipe

Great tip on how to use a piping bag

Saturday, February 9, 2013



Swiss Roll

This came out the best.  From the pic it looks like chocolate filling which isn't a bad idea.
Here actually it's home made strawberry jam.
Classic Bero recipe, baked in a shallow tray.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cheese Sticks

Rolled up in a very handy roll.  This can be kept in the freezer and used later.

Puff pastry
Chedder cheese
(Ideally - but whatever you have on hand, Chedder because of it's orange colour to contrast the white pastry)
Dried herbs  ie. Thyme

Nigella seeds
(Think colour and contrast here: White pastry: Orange cheese: Black specks Nigella seeds)

Oven 200 Oc

Sprinkle generously and roll over to embed cheese and herbs into the puff pastry on BOTH sides.  (Tip: use a baking sheet underneath and on top, you can roll up with the sheet and freeze for easy storage then  bake directly on the baking sheet.)
Cut in quite thin strips.
Roll and freeze if not used immediately.

Note: Be sure to bake in a pre-warmed oven (otherwise the cheese dribbles and melts)

Serve with soups etc.

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