Under here is a full layer of chickpeas
2 cups of chick peas (post soaked)
5 cloves of garlic
2 tps of baking powder
2 tps of baking powder
Parsley/Coriander chopped
Onions chopped
Cumin grounded
Sweet paprika
Ground coriander seeds (optional)
Ground coriander seeds (optional)
Chickpeas need Only over night soaking. Do not cook.
Whizz in mixer all the above ingredients to a soft dough.
I have a too small a mixer so I tend to overload, either way, every time I find myself whizzing at least two batches. Yet still I never have enough left to freeze....strange
I have a too small a mixer so I tend to overload, either way, every time I find myself whizzing at least two batches. Yet still I never have enough left to freeze....strange
These falafels are on the greener side as I threw in a full big bunch of corriander for good measure, stalks and all.
Also I prefer the Siani/Egyptian falafels which are very green compared to Israeli ones.
2nd batch
Final 'dough' (this stage can be frozen and defrost when needed, so I have been told, I've never had enough left to freeze!)
Best to fry one or two first, taste then adjust seasoning to the rest of the dough before frying again.
Deep fry in hot oil.
PACKED with flavour.
When you split these babies a delicious herby waft is released... mixed in with a warm spicy aroma.
Yesterday, finally tested the frozen dough theory.Defrosted the falafel dough. Fried a few, it lacked flavour and puffiness.
So I blitzed a whole bunch of fresh coriander added this to the lackluster dough along with some paprika, freshly grounded coriander seeds. Then fried some more balls. These came out better but were not so light and springy like real fresh falafels.
So verdict. I wouldn't freeze unless absolutely have too, that is to avoid trashing the falafels. Better to cook them all and eat them cold later, anything rather than freeze.