Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dinner party: Menu1

Vietnamese Roll
Potato & Celery Soup served with Cheese sticks

Chicken Curry
Veggie Rice

Broccoli & Red onion in vinegarette dressing
Roasted Spicy Cauliflower
Cucumber & Pomegranite Salad

Chocolate Fondue with seasonal fruits
Creme Caramel garnished with sliced strawberries

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lentil Soup

Lentils (orange)
Coriander seeds grounded (optional)
Carrots   (or Pumpkin (roasted)/ or Sweet Potato (roasted))

Fry chopped onions and garlic till soft.  (Add salt to make onions 'sweat', also prevents from charring.)
Add cumin, and what other spice you like.  Stir.

Add stock or boiling water.
Add roasted pumpkin or chopped carrots or roasted yams/sweet potato.  ( Set a few aside for garnish.)
Bring to boil and cook till hard veggies are soft.
Add raw unsoaked orange lentils.  Stir.
Cook till all soften and then blitz (puree).
Taste, adjust seasoning.

Serve hot with these possible toppings:
Grated parmesan
Soften mushrooms
Fried ground meat

Garnish with green leaves ie coriander and top with touch of red chilis. /Touch of lemon zest could be fabulous here too - me thinks.
Its a great 'base' for adding your own variations and touches, below hubby added fried mince meat, pumpkin seeds and fluffy white rice for a hearty all-in-one soup.

I have had this soup on the table within 30-40 minutes from thinking about it to serving it.
Just ensure the vegetables are cut small enough for fast boiling.

Nothing beats coming home on these long dark winter nights to a hot bowl of comfort soup.  Fresh bread in the oven, hoping what my kids childhood memories will be are made of.


Onion bread to accompany
Basic Bread Recipe - Click here

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